How Hard is it to learn Spanish?

Is learning Spanish hard? I’ve been learning Spanish for the past 6 months. So far, the only real problem I’ve had with Spanish is the pronunciation. Some of the words are just too different from English and without knowing the pronunciation rules you can’t guess how to pronounce them.

I’ve seen so many people saying how hard Spanish has been for them even though they try their best. For me, as a native English speaker, the struggles aren’t that much. The Spanish and English alphabets are very similar with only a few words apart. Some words are pronounced differently, but in most cases, if you can speak English well you will do just fine in Spanish.

Let’s talk about how long it takes to become good at Spanish. From looking at the past 6 months of my Spanish learning journey with a teacher in a class with around 20-something people. I can say I have accomplished just about enough. I can count to a thousand, give directions to any grandmas, and know what my family members are called in Spanish. My reading skills are improving and I am starting to gain confidence in Spanish.

Learning Spanish can be different for everyone, but the experience is worth it. It also depends on how you are studying it. My recommendations would be to get into a Spanish class get to know some people and learn, while having some fun on the way. Otherwise, an online course or a private teacher will do just as good.

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